Music Video- AgainstAllOdd (w.Life)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My video will show this in a
ction by exploring sad love story. The deep sorrow between two lovers will be fully highlighted in this music video. The main conflict is happen when the heroin tried to suicide. This is because she has been raped and feels dirty when facing with boy friend. Ultimately, I want the audience to feel sorrow to tell them in this world still many women and young girls often suffer violence at the hands of men. Even some country has encouraged the folk to rape the women without any punishment from the Government (real news)…


Heroin is a bachelor student just goes out to the working society. She has a wonderful boyfriend who has love Teena deeply.

But, heroin has made a fatal mistake in one dark night by deciding walking alone at the dark street.... She was walking down the street late at night in a dark area, when all of a sudden will jump out from somewhere.

Everything has been change……..The rapist forced heroin into a silent street where he punched and kicked heroin and gang-raped she.

In the dark, heroin besides cry’s still just loud cry that companied her. No one can help her from the hell. No boy friend…. No virgin anymore… only suffer …

She does not wish to let the guy know and not wanting to be a burden to him. So, she kept silent. But, heroin still cannot forget that night. Every time, when she dating with her boy friend, she feel herself to dirty… very dirty… dirty…

Due to this pressure, heroin totally loses her mind. She lost her MIND!!!

“I want die”….” I want go to die”… “DON’T want face it anymore”…. In her mind, only this few questions keep asking herself. Now, she felt herself live in the hell, cannot escape from this deep and dark hell.

So, she tries to suicide…… the hero wants to stop her. But too late…….


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All posts here is my school assignments. A lot of graphics just get from the internet. I dunt use it for commercial purpose! haha... so dunt worry

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