Game Communication Site

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coding: HTML
This is only the web interface design and not database at all. That time, I first time to be asked by lecturer to build the webpage by using pHp coding.

My friends have tell my that html coding can change to pHp coding by using dreamweaver. After I using the template and develop it into game communication site, just know that can HTML coding cannot automatically change to pHp... they lied to me...TT.TT. I als quite stupid too..

Then, this website totally cannot submitted to lecturer. Also, don't have database at all.Actually, this template is quite difficult to redesign because the author use
instead using tAble
... My html coding not excellent at all, so I quite struggling when redesign it into game communication site. Hence, i change and move all the
elements into table,
... I spend whole week to do that, but cannot submit to lecturer at all. Fail Job!

Just selected three interface:


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Currently, I already manage to upload 20 posts for portfolio. Hope you all like it. I still no yet upload any video file bco school line too slow. Sorry, lecturer.

All posts here is my school assignments. A lot of graphics just get from the internet. I dunt use it for commercial purpose! haha... so dunt worry

If available, please give some comments on the design part. Let me know the weakness. Thank you


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