Fingerprint System

Sunday, April 10, 2011

wait for update~~

Interface: pHp coding (Dreamweaver)
Database: esaypHp
Fingerprint System based on Segmentation

1) A fingerprint-based system will sensed the fingerprint by using fingerprint scanner. Then, this fingerprint image will be segmented into numerous regions; I call it as “segmented region”. Those segmented region will be indexed (for example A1, A2..A6, B1,B2,….), so that the system can efficiently retrieval the database based on index/ label.

2) Later, segmented region of fingerprint will be stored in the database (MySQL). Besides that, each segmented region of fingerprint image will associated with the person photo.

3) Once query has been submitted to system, then this fingerprint query will be used to retrieve the database.

4) Then, only the segmented region of fingerprint matches to the user’s “fingerprint query” will be selected. Finally, the system will display the person photo to the user according to segmented region of fingerprint.

Update the functionality later~~


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