UUM Kiosk

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

UUM Kiosk is my semester two assignment. This interactive kiosk was developed by using Flash application. We just the beginner of Flash, so the functionality of this kiosk is quite EMBARRASSING! But, we were very struggling do this assignment at that moment.

Lecturer want us develop a kiosk that enable for foreigner to know the location of UUM by accessing it. It is a self-service kiosk in order to meet the user's needs. Since it is self-service kiosk, so our lecturer want us make it user-friendly. Don't develop complicated kiosk. Besides that, she also want us design the large button for this touch- screen kiosk. haha... even we fullfil the basic requirement, but I don't satisfied this flash.

Here, is my team members:
a) Wong KAr Pooi

b) Wong Hsiu Chuen

Now, ENJOY my UUM kiosk... ( Don't L aught on Me)

a) Main Page

b) UUM Main Location

c) Select Location to get the MAP
d) Map and Detail


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Currently, I already manage to upload 20 posts for portfolio. Hope you all like it. I still no yet upload any video file bco school line too slow. Sorry, lecturer.

All posts here is my school assignments. A lot of graphics just get from the internet. I dunt use it for commercial purpose! haha... so dunt worry

If available, please give some comments on the design part. Let me know the weakness. Thank you


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