Spring Festival Bank Muamalat

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Spring Event is a general event that usually organized by students. Our focus is to create Spring Festival that is unforgettable for residents of Bank Muamalat.

I help our Pengarah of Spring Festival to design some graphics, such as T-shirt, Flash movie, Flyer and poster. They are very trust my ability to take charge in designing. This is scaring me because I always short with great idea ideas and inspiration. But, I just try to help them to ensure the Spring Event can run as planned at 25th March 2010.

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Dedication List


a)front view

b) back view

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Lucid Dreaming Flash Application

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Lucid Dreaming means that Dreams in which that person becomes aware that he/she is dreaming. It can be delightful yet ultimately trivial, entertainment. (LaBerge, 2008).

Lucid Dreaming is where one becomes aware that he/she was dreaming, and hence, he/she gains a degree of control of the content and direction of the dream (McElroy, 2007). Tarthang Tulku explains the benefits of allowing one to control inner balance (Tulku, 1997), in fact, Stephen Laberge noted that the emotions experienced in the lucid dream can be carried over to the waking life (LaBerge, 2008). Many researchers proved that Lucid dream can be used to overcome phobias or for public speech training. (LaBerge, 2008) (McElroy, 2007) (Lucid Dreaming)

In Malaysia, the term isn’t common, and the occurrences varied of one realising that he is dreaming is low as one ages (McElroy, 2007). Yet Orang Asli, had similar skills of inducing Lucid dream which is more closely related with Lucid Dream Shamanism, yet this skill is endangered and waning quickly. (Hurd, 2010)

This multimedia application is offline CD-based. Target Audiences are Malaysians Teenagers and Adults. This project main purpose is to provide information about Lucid dreaming and ways to induce it interactively which includes text, graphic, video, and sound:

o Provide insights about the dreaming reality by the ancients and the moderns.

o Provide ways to induce Lucid dreaming such as Dream Journal and daily Practices.

o Provide means to detect False Awakenings.

Intro Page

Movie Page
Main Page
Lucid Dreaming Account
Lucid Dreaming PageMethod of Lucid Dreaming Page

Method Page

Dreaming is a crucial of human life, yet many Malaysians don’t know what Lucid Dreaming is. By understanding and applying ways to induce Lucid dreaming, dreamers can even use their created reality to overcome their phobias or enhance their creativity. This project will allow Malaysians to understand and use lucid dreaming as another means of tools in achieving something greater.

Dreaming is a crucial of human life, yet many Malaysians don’t know what Lucid Dreaming is. By understanding and applying ways to induce Lucid dreaming, dreamers can even use their created reality to overcome their phobias or enhance their creativity. This project will allow Malaysians to understand and use lucid dreaming as another means of tools in achieving something greater.

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Currently, I already manage to upload 20 posts for portfolio. Hope you all like it. I still no yet upload any video file bco school line too slow. Sorry, lecturer.

All posts here is my school assignments. A lot of graphics just get from the internet. I dunt use it for commercial purpose! haha... so dunt worry

If available, please give some comments on the design part. Let me know the weakness. Thank you


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