PanLan. Games

Friday, January 28, 2011

I am fan of Lan Labyrinth. This is aworesome movie that produced by Guillermo del Toro who is Mexicon famous director. Know Hellboy video? That one also production of him. Also, do you ever watch Kungfu Panda 2? That 3D animation also executive produced by Guilerno. My Most Admire Director.

Once lecturer asked us to find idea to do the Game Application, I automatically think about Pan Lab. Our lecturer requested us to use Game Maker, which is old version game application software. Haha... I really love the graphic of PanLab, all designs are awosome and outstanding. it movie has received many award and even website of Pan Lab. also be winner in Webby 2007. GREAT, right? Must Watch it. Before the game start, there has storyline. But, differ story with PanLab. This is because I dont much time to do it, and I need submit my homework after Chinese New Year. If you want to know more about PanLab., you can visit's_Labyrinth or

In the game, I have set three level of gameplays.

a) Simply

IDEA, Graphic, and song are from Pan's Labyrinth movie. Just have differ storyline.

NOT FINISHED YET.....later i will update it

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Microtopia Mobile Game


Game Genre:Education Game (basic science biology- immune system).

The player needs to distinguish virus or bacteria from the organism’s own healthy tissue. Then, the game needs us to fight with bacteria (sickness) in order to maintain our organ functionality and blood pressure. If the player failed to do so, this will cause the disorder in the immune system and can result in disease.

Also, fun facts along the game play which simplify the learning for children. The student will be more fun while learning especially when learn something difficult (scientific name of cell/ bacteria).

Group members:

a) Deddy Dixson Tati bin Lajitan

b) Mohd Khairul bin Jaini

c) Chin Ting Ting

d) SIng Siew Hoong

Game play:

1. The player is act as a good macrophage, which is a white

blood cell within tissues. Macrophage’s (the player) role is to engulf and digest all the bad micro in the body.

2. The player of this game has a special mission which is

trying to fight with the bad micro also known as bacteria, virus and etc. Then player need to kill the bad micro by hitting them directly.........

4. There will have several types of bad micro need to engulf by macrophage in this game. After clean the all micro on the screen, the player will advance to next level.

5. While playing the game, player also needs to avoid hitting the good body agent (e.g.: blood cell). This is because they also can vanish. Also, the player needs to collect the POWERUPS to maintain the blood pressure.

6. So, more collecting or hitting the bad micro then more mark we can score from the game.

Flash Game:

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Currently, I already manage to upload 20 posts for portfolio. Hope you all like it. I still no yet upload any video file bco school line too slow. Sorry, lecturer.

All posts here is my school assignments. A lot of graphics just get from the internet. I dunt use it for commercial purpose! haha... so dunt worry

If available, please give some comments on the design part. Let me know the weakness. Thank you


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